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Throughout history, groundbreaking innovations have been worked on by multiple people at the same time in different parts of the world.
So many artists speak to the fact that an idea or inspiration didn’t come from them, it came through them.
It’s as if, when an idea’s time has come, it becomes a force of nature, looking for a way to manifest.
If you’ve ever had a spark of inspiration that you didn’t act on, only to see it come to life through someone else, you’ve experienced this phenomenon firsthand.
When an idea’s time has come, it finds a way to manifest itself into the world.
There are concepts and ideas being communicated around us all the time, some of them we can easily perceive and some we cannot.
Elephants communicate via very low rumbles that travel for miles across the landscape and are inaudible to the human ear, while bats and dolphins and communicate at a frequency that is too high for humans to hear.
We accept that beyond human hearing or vision, there are sounds and colors that we cannot perceive.
And we even loosely accept the idea of intuition.
But beyond that, if there are messages in the ether trying to get to us in ways that are beyond our five senses, we seem to discount them or brush them away.
In the ocean, the songs sung by humpbacks get picked up and spread until a song that comes from one part of the world can be heard on the other side of the world a few years later.
In Australia, the Aboriginal songlines are stories of the dream time, but they are songs as well that provide a map from one coast of the country to the other.
These songs allowed Aboriginals to traverse the outback, because they are songs of markers in the landscape, like watering holes and food.
These songs enabled them to sing their way across the continent.
What if these songs that humpbacks sing are similar to the Aboriginal songlines?
Providing directions and information so they can “sing” their way across the ocean?
The whales pick up and relay the songs to one another, and the Aboriginals pass the songs down to their children.
Are there messages coming through to you, that you are not acting on?
A song that is being sung that you are not relaying on?
Are you getting a sense or an inspiration, an idea that is asking to be manifested?
Only you know if there is something in you waiting to be expressed.
Life a butterfly, if you don’t act on the inspiration when it lands on you, it will soon fly away.
When you’re ready:
Stories make you memorable. Book a call and let’s chat about how I can help you create your stories: https://graysonhaydencall.as.me/
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